The Wizard (voiced by George Carlin) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER is a great wallpaper for your computer desktop and laptop. You can download and share to your friends this desktop wallpaper using the links above.
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  • Frieda (voiced by Sigourney Weaver) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER.

    Frieda (voiced by Sigourney Weaver) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER.

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  • Prince Humperdink (voiced by Patrick Warburton) and Ella (voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER.

    Prince Humperdink (voiced by Patrick Warburton) and Ella (voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER.

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  • Ella (voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Frieda (voiced by Sigourney Weaver) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER

    Ella (voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Frieda (voiced by Sigourney Weaver) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER

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  • Mambo (voiced by Andy Dick) and Munk (voiced by Wallace Shawn) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER.

    Mambo (voiced by Andy Dick) and Munk (voiced by Wallace Shawn) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER.

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  • Rick (voiced by Freddie Prinze, Jr.) and Ella (voice by Sarah Michelle Gellar) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER.

    Rick (voiced by Freddie Prinze, Jr.) and Ella (voice by Sarah Michelle Gellar) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER.

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  • Black Cat Wizard

    Black Cat Wizard

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  • Prince Humperdink in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER

    Prince Humperdink in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER

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  • George Mac McHale

    George Mac McHale

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  • George Hil

    George Hil

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  • Bright Wizard

    Bright Wizard

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  • Dr. George Mueller Follows the Progress of the Apollo 11 Mission

    Dr. George Mueller Follows the Progress of the Apollo 11 Mission

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  • Justin Bieber photo courtesy MuchMusic and George Pimentel for WireImage

    Justin Bieber photo courtesy MuchMusic and George Pimentel for WireImage

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  • romantic moment in movie Happily N'Ever After

    romantic moment in movie Happily N'Ever After

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  • Britt Robertson George Clooney Tomorrowl

    Britt Robertson George Clooney Tomorrowl

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  • Ella (voice by Sarah Michelle Gellar) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER

    Ella (voice by Sarah Michelle Gellar) in HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER